For all you poor souls at a beautiful cottage this hot, sunny summer with nothing better to do but read about employment and human rights law, here’s a brief list of good reads to consider (and with everyone now using some sort of tablet, you can download the info before heading up to the lake):

  • Think Before You Click:  Strategies for Managing Social Media in the Workplace:  this is a great compilation of many of the big US thinkers in the area, including Molly Di Bianca (Deleware Employment Law Blog), Eric Meyer (The Employer Handbook Blog) and Daniel Schwartz (Connecticut Employment Law Blog).  I follow the tweets and blogs of these three lawyers regularly.
  • Donna Seale’s – weekly Twitter Talk:  if I only have a few minutes to spare for social media reading, I usually start with Donna’s Human Rights in the Workplace blog and tweets.  Her Twitter Talk is a great compilation of employment and human rights law tweets.  She’s out of Manitoba, with a Canada-wide focus that’s always timely and interesting to read.
  • Of course, the First Reference blog is a key resource with several contributors and daily content.  They are an HR publishing company, but their material never reads like an ad for their services – it’s good substantive content.
  • Zinio – a colleague recently pointed this app out to me.  I suspect I am the last in Toronto to have heard about it, but it’s a great source of digital editions of a large selection of magazines.  It works beautifully on my iPad.

Disclaimer: This material is being kept online for historical purposes. Though accurate at the time of publication, it is no longer being updated. The page may contain broken links or outdated information.