Well, I’m back in the office this week after a busy but wonderful maternity leave.  I was quite excited to get back at it.  As all parents who have taken a parental leave know, coming into the office is often a welcomed break from the chaos of little ones at home.

Practicing law certainly has

I haven’t blogged since mid-September.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.  

I’m home in month 3 of a maternity leave with my second baby and simply haven’t been able to get to a computer for a solid period of time.  As anyone who has been on a parental leave with a newborn knows, it is a

Three weeks ago, I had a baby.  He’s my second child, was a very reasonable 6 lbs 12 ozs and happily zipped out with no fanfare or complications.  I am now at home with plenty of down time while I feed and wish I was sleeping, and while keeping watch over my 2 year old to make

This week, Christine Thomlinson wrote a great blog post on the (potential) come-back of Tiger Woods.  She draws a parallel between Tiger’s return to golf and employees returning to work after a difficult period in their life, whether criminal, personal, or otherwise.  As she points out, there are a number of pro-active steps an