Will technology replace or merely enhance our abilities to achieve settlements? Last week I spoke at an Osgoode Professional Development session on Settlement in the Digital Era: Essentials for Non-Techies. My co-panelist was Colm Brannigan, a mediator very familiar with Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). Colm and I have had some good discussions beforehand about how technology can assist the settlement process, whether an informal negotiation between parties or a formal court-ordered mediation.
Ultimately, despite the tech fan and early adopter in both of us, we realised that nothing can replace the human aspect of resolving most disputes beyond a traffic ticket. For many people, they simply need to physically face their opposing party and ‘have their day in court’. The emotions in our voice and on our face, the passion of our positions and the human needs that have to be addressed in dispute resolution cannot be completely replaced by technology.
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