Looking for a bootcamp on important cases from 2013? Here are a few of my favourite Canadian bloggers and their top 5-10 cases from 2013. There is some overlap, but also a good range of cases to highlights how law can be much more of an art than a science.
- Important Decisions from 2013 Employment Law Cases from the lawyer’s at MacLeod Law Firm
- Top 5 Employment Cases from 2013 by Sean Bawden’s Employment Law Blog for the Suddenly Unemployed
- Top 5 Labour & Employment Law Cases from 2013, by guest blogger, Professor Lynk, on Professor Doorey’s blog, The Law of Work
- Top 10 Employment Law Cases from 2013 from Rubin Thomlinson’s January 2014 Client Alert.
Feel free to comment if you think an important case was overlooked in any of the above lists.
Other great top 10 type lists to check out:
- First Reference’s HRLaw Wrap-Up and Other Legislative Changes Effective in 2014 Across Canada
- Top 10 Most Read Stories on canadianlawyermag (LegalFeeds blog)
- Productivity Genius, Ann Gomez’s Top 10 Productivity Resolutions for 2014
Happy Reading – and may 2014 treat you all well.