We are super excited to announce that once again, we have been named Legal Influencers for Employment Law in the Lexology Content Marketing Awards for Q2 of 2019! We won this award in Q4 of 2018 – check out our post on that here – and are stoked that our blogging success is having staying power. I mean it’s 2019, what’s cooler than being named an #influencer?! 

This particular award recognized our blog for consistently providing useful and insightful legal analysis. Aw, thanks! 

Lexology considers the number of reads and something called the LexScore (engagement with the blog) to determine winners – so it’s legit.  

We are a small but mighty firm and are thrilled to be competing with the big dogs! The only other employment law winner from Canada was Borden Ladner Gervais LLP. Congrats to our pals at BLG! 

Now to our thank you speech…

Our blog is a cornerstone of our practice and we have fun writing it each week. It allows us to be creative and talk about employment law issues in an approachable and, we hope, useful way. Employment law really does apply to most people at some point in their lives and we are delighted that one of the ways we can reach lots of people is working!

Thank you to Lexology and thank you to our readers! It’s all your reads and shares that won us this award! We will keep it up if you will!