Join SpringLaw’s Lisa Stam and Gaya Murti as they share some practical tips to reduce your legal spend.

– Build the most important, cost-saving legal docs first to avoid pricey exits down the road

– Use firms with collaborative, time-saving platforms and integrated legal support

– DIY what you can, customize the rest

Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Time: 10:30-11:00 am EST
Register today: Click here!

About SpringLaw’s SpringForward webinar series:

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to stay up to date on the fast-changing workplace laws of Ontario? Sign up for our free 30-minute monthly webinar for a rapid-fire snapshot of where the law is right now.

Each session is half an hour, to get you in, out and back to your busy day. Think of it as a monthly coffee break with a community of peers facing the same ups and downs you are. Our interactive online webinar format lets you chat and ask questions, and get connected with other entrepreneurs, business owners and HR professionals.

  • What day?  3rd Wednesday of the month
  • What time? 10:30 am EST

What if I miss it!?  Don’t worry! All of our past webinars are available on our YouTube channel and available on our website.