The 2013 Clawbies winners were announced on December 31, and I am humbled and so very grateful to the readers that nominated my blog.  I am happy to write that this blog was selected for a Best Practitioner Blog in Canada award.

More importantly, however, is the chance to explore what blogs are out there.  I subscribe to many blogs through my Feedly, but there are new ones popping up every day.  The Clawbies Awards are such a great opportunity to check out blogs that may have missed my radar.

A huge thanks to the adjudicators that volunteered their time to organize and review this year’s Clawbies Awards.

Here’s a summary of Canadian law blogs you may want to check out.  A full description of each blog is at Reading Canadian Law Blogs to Check Out

It’s Clawbies Season again!

When I started my blog in 2009, I could count on one hand my employment law blogging compatriots in Canada.  There are some excellent marketing departments now pushing out all kinds of content, but I remain sentimental for the independent blogger blogging for the love it, for the opportunity to connect

My nominations for the 2012 Clawbies (Canadian law blog awards) are:

1. Donna Seale‘s Human Rights in the Workplace – again.  She continues to be one of the individual voices out there that churns out great content, is not backed up by a big marketing department, and is a go-to resource blog for me.

I jumped into blogging in 2009 and have been grateful for the opportunity to participate in the online conversation about the workplace, employment law, and social media in general. 

We continue to be in a technological revolution that has forever changed how we communicate to each other – or at the least, for you cynics